Monday, December 12, 2011

11/29: Identified Unknown C!

Today in lab, we identified our unknown bacteria (C) is B. cereus.

Bacillus cereus Results of Tests:
Shape: Bacilli
Arrangement: Chained
Spores: Yes
Gram's Stain: Gram Positive
Motility: Motile
Capsules: No capsules
Nutrient Agar: Raised/Cream/Tan colored, Circular with irregular edges
Nutrient Broth: Raised/Cream/Tan colored, Circular with irregular edges
Gelatin Stab: Positive (liquid)
Oxygen Requirements: Facultative Anaerobe
Optimum Temperature: 30 degrees Celsius
Glucose Test: Results were yellow and therefore positive
Lactose: Red and therefore negative
Sucrose: Yellow-Positive-No Gas
Mannitol: Did not grow
Gelatin Liquefaction: Positive, formed liquid
Starch: Positive
Caesin: Positive
Fat: Positive
Indole: Negative
Methyl Red: Negative, high pH
Voges-Proskauer: Negative
Citrate: Negative
Nitrate: Positive
Oxidase: Positive
Litmus Milk Coagulation: Running Curd

We also worked on our yogurt project, and we were successful in growing the different brands of yogurt! Except for Chobani Greek Yogurt- It was the only one that did not grow, so next time, we will thoroughly mix it in with the milk to see if it makes a difference.

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