Tests for today's lab: Nitrate, Citrate, Urea, Indole:
Nitrate Test determines whether or not our bacteria reduces Nitrate to Nitrite
Citrate Test is to see if our bacteria utilizes citrate as it's Carbon Source.
Urea Test is to determine if our bacteria produces the "urease enzyme"
Indole Test is to see if our bacteria can resist the nucleic acid called tryphotan and make what is known as Indole.
We inoculated 4 test tubes for the following tests: Nitrate, Citrate, Urea, and Indole. In order to find the results of urea, we will check it in 24 hours. For Nitrate and Indole, a reagent is added in the next lab on Thursday. We also made a streak plate to test 7 different antibiotics on our bacteria. (Say what happens in each of the tests).